Rehabilitation therapies are very important processes to recover 100% of any part of our body. Next, we detail a little more about this process and the services we offer at Templo del Masaje.

What is Rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation is care that can help you regain, maintain, or improve the skills you need for daily living. You may have lost them due to illness or injury, or a side effect of medical treatment. Rehabilitation can improve your daily life and function.

What is the goal of Rehabilitation therapy?

The main goal of rehabilitation is to help you regain your skills and become more independent. However, each individual has their own goals and it depends on what caused the health problem, whether the cause continues or has ended, what abilities they lost, and also how extreme the problem is. These treatments are ideal for a person who:

  • Have had a stroke that requires recovery to be able to dress or shower without assistance.
  • have had cardiovascular disease to rehabilitate your heart function with the goal of returning to exercise.
  • You have a lung disease and require attention to breathe much better and also to improve your quality of life.
  • An injury of any kind that has caused sequelae in the movements of the arms, legs, back or neck.

Who needs Rehabilitation Therapy?

Rehabilitation is for people who have really lost the skills they need for daily life. Occupational therapy or physical therapy rehabilitation may be necessary for people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly. There are unlimited ways that therapy can help these people, such as:

  • A person who has lost the ability to hold things as a result of injury may try to regain grip strength and personalize activities to ensure that they can be independent.
  • Children with physical disabilities may need a therapist to help them establish the control they need to eat, use a computer system, or improve their writing.
  • The elderly with physical restrictions may need the help of a specialist to participate in tasks with completely new and modified methods.
  • Those who have actually experienced an injury may need the intervention of a therapist to help them avoid movements or behaviors that can intensify their injuries.

Where can I find a rehab professional?

At Templo del Masaje we have a team of professionals specialized in rehabilitation who will be happy to assist you. Contact us and we will give you personalized advice.